Class Table


public class Table
extends Object
A Table is an open-address hash table with a fixed capacity. The purpose is to show students how an open-address hash table is implemented. Programs should generally use java.util.Hashtable rather than this hash table.

Jun 12, 1998. The method nextIndex was fixed April 1999 by Craig Miller.
Michael Main (

Constructor Index

 o Table(int)
Initialize an empty table with a specified capacity.

Method Index

 o containsKey(Object)
Determines whether a specified key is in this table.
 o get(Object)
Retrieves an object for a specified key.
 o put(Object, Object)
Add a new element to this table, using the specified key.
 o remove(Object)
Removes an object for a specified key.


 o Table
 public Table(int capacity)
Initialize an empty table with a specified capacity.

capacity - the capacity for this new open-address hash table
This table is empty and has the specified capacity.
Throws: OutOfMemoryError
Indicates insufficient memory for the specified capacity.


 o containsKey
 public boolean containsKey(Object key)
Determines whether a specified key is in this table.

key - the non-null key to look for
key cannot be null.
truefalse otherwise. Note that key.equals( ) is used to compare the key to the keys that are in the table.
Throws: NullPointerException
Indicates that key is null.
 o get
 public Object get(Object key)
Retrieves an object for a specified key.

key - the non-null key to look for
key cannot be null.
a reference to the object with the specified keykey.equals( ) is used to compare the key to the keys that are in the table.
Throws: NullPointerException
Indicates that key is null.
 o put
 public Object put(Object key,
                   Object element)
Add a new element to this table, using the specified key.

key - the non-null key to use for the new element
element - the new element that’s being added to this table
If there is not already an element with the specified key, then this table’s size must be less than its capacity (i.e., size() < capacity()). Also, neither key nor element is null.
If this table already has an object with the specified key, then that object is replaced by element, and the return value is a reference to the replaced object. Otherwise, the new element is added with the specified key and the return value is null.
Throws: IllegalStateException
Indicates that there is no room for a new object in this table.
Throws: NullPointerException
Indicates that key or element is null.
 o remove
 public Object remove(Object key)
Removes an object for a specified key.

key - the non-null key to look for
key cannot be null.
If an object was found with the specified key, then that object has been removed from this table and a copy of the removed object is returned; otherwise, this table is unchanged and the null reference is returned. Note that key.equals( ) is used to compare the key to the keys that are in the table.
Throws: NullPointerException
Indicates that key is null.