Re-Mastering "Piano Concerto #1"

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In order to bring each orchestral instrument independently into the mix, I first grouped and recorded the individual MIDI tracks into 9 mono audio tracks: Upper Piano, Lower Piano, Flutes, Violins, Trumpets/Brass, Cellos, Bassoons, Bass, Percussion.  I then applied some equalization to individual instruments to emphasize certain aspects.  I then panned each instrument into a particular location in my stereo orchestra layout.  Finally I added dynamic audio level changes and panning changes via automation, sent everything to a final bus for mastering, and added Equalization and Compression to the mixdown bus, as described in the remastering descriptions for the Satie and Brahms pieces.

I think the v1.1 individual instruments are better defined and emphasized, stereo interest has been added, and overall levels are better in line with most other CD recordings.  On the down side, I picked up some extra noise in the recording process that I couldn't filter out in the mix and there are one or two spots where there is a little clipping distortion.   What do you think?