Chapter 6

Answers to FiredUp Project Questions


If you have not already done so, create entity-relationship diagrams for Questions A and C in the FiredUp Project at the end of Chapter 3.


A.         Transform the entity-relationship diagram from Question A at the end of Chapter 3 into a set of relations in domain/key normal form. For each relation, specify the primary key, candidate keys, if any, and foreign keys. Specify all interrelation constraints. If necessary, make and justify assumptions regarding the underlying semantics of the application.


In the following, primary keys are underlined; foreign keys are in italics.  Note how all relationships are replaced by the definition of foreign keys.




CUSTOMER (CustomerID, Name, StreetAddress, ApartmentNumber, Zip/PostalCode, EmailAddress, PhoneNumber)


LOCATION-CODE (Zip/PostalCode, City, State/Provice, Country)


STOVE (SerialNumber, Type, ManufacturerDate, InspectorInitials, CustomerID)


INVOICE (InvoiceNumber, Date, TotalPrice)


INV-LINE-ITEM (InvoiceNumber, LineNumber, PartNumber, Quantity, ExtendedPrice)


REPAIR (RepairNumber, Date, Description, TotalAmount, SerialNumber)


REP-LINE-ITEM (RepairNumber, LineNumber, PartNumber, Quantity, ExtendedPrice)


PART (Number, Description, Cost, SalesPrice)


This design uses a surrogate key for CUSTOMER.  EmailAddress is therefore a candidate key for CUSTOMER.  There are no other candidate keys.  Date has been added to REPAIR because it should be there.


Referential integrity constraints:


Zip/PostalCode in CUSTOMER must exist in Zip/PostalCode in LOCATION-CODE

CustomerID in STOVE must exist in CustomerID in CUSTOMER

InvoiceNumber in INV-LINE-ITEM must exist in InvoiceNumber in INVOICE

PartNumber in INV-LINE-ITEM must exist in Number in PART

RepairNumber in REP-LINE-ITEM must exist in RepairNumber in REPAIR

PartNumber in REP-LINE-ITEM must exist in Number in PART


B.         Adjust your answer to Question A to allow un-normalized relations if you think just relations are appropriate. Justify any non-normalized relations you have. If necessary, make and justify assumptions regarding the underlying semantics of the application.


Get rid of the LOCATION-CODE relation and place, City, State/Province, Country in CUSTOMER.  Normalizing Zip codes adds complexity and really doesn’t buy anything.  Locations don’t change their Zip codes very much, and when they do, the change can be handled as any other address change.  Normalization is not worth the trouble.


All the rest of the normalized tables seem OK as is.


C.        Transform the entity-relationship diagram from Question C at the end of Chapter 3 into a set of relations, preferably in domain/key normal form. If any of your relations are not in domain/key normal form, explain why not. For each relation, specify the primary key, candidate keys, if any, and foreign keys. Specify all referential integrity constraints.


Leave Zip un-normalized with justification as in Item B.




CUSTOMER (CustomerID, Name, StreetAddress, ApartmentNumber, City, State/Province, Country)


CUSTOMER-PHONE (CustomerID, Type, PhoneNumber)


CUSTOMER-EMAIL (CustomerID, EmailAddress)


STOVE (SerialNumber, Type, ManufacturerDate, InspectorInitials, CustomerID)


INVOICE (InvoiceNumber, Date, TotalPrice)


INV-LINE-ITEM (InvoiceNumber, LineNumber, PartNumber, Quantity, ExtendedPrice)


REPAIR (RepairNumber, Date, Description, TotalAmount, SerialNumber)


REP-LINE-ITEM (RepairNumber, LineNumber, PartNumber, Quantity, ExtendedPrice)


PART (Number, Description, Cost, SalesPrice)


This design uses a surrogate key for CUSTOMER.  EmailAddress is therefore a candidate key for CUSTOMER.  There are no other candidate keys.  Date has been added to REPAIR because it should be there.


Referential integrity constraints:


CustomerID in CUSTOMER-PHONE must exist in CustomerID in CUSTOMER

CustomerID in CUSTOMER-EMAIL must exist in CustomerID in CUSTOMER

CustomerID in STOVE must exist in CustomerID in CUSTOMER

InvoiceNumber in INV-LINE-ITEM must exist in InvoiceNumber in INVOICE

PartNumber in INV-LINE-ITEM must exist in Number in PART

RepairNumber in REP-LINE-ITEM must exist in RepairNumber in REPAIR

PartNumber in REP-LINE-ITEM must exist in Number in PART


D.        Adjust your answer to Question C, above, to assume that home, fax, and cell phone are to be represented by separate, single-value attributes. Is this a better design than in your answer to Question C? Explain why or why not.


Delete CUSTOMER-PHONE.  Change the CUSTOMER relation as follows:


CUSTOMER (CustomerID, Name, StreetAddress, ApartmentNumber, City, State/Province, Country, HomePhone, FaxPhone, CellPhone)


It may be better, depending on the use of the relation.  If no other phone types are ever added and if there is no need to query on a phone number of an uncertain type, then this probably is a better design because no join will need to be made to obtain all of the CUSTOMER data.  On the other hand, if other types of phone may be created and if there’s a need to find out which customer has a phone number of unspecified type, then the original design may be better.