ECT 250: Survey of e-commerce technology
Read Chapters 6, 8, 9, and 11 in Electronic Commerce.
This assignment asks you to investigate the Vigenere cipher. Find enough information to answer the questions below:
Use your last name as the keyword in encoding the message. Break up the answer into blocks of 5 letters each. (Why not just leave the words intact? What is the security benefit?) Submit that name as part of the answer to the question. Explain how you did the encoding. Be detailed and clear in your explanation. A good answer to this question will include a step-by-step description of how the encoding was done.
Note: You must do this part of the assignment by hand. You may use a program to check your answer, but you may not use one to produce the answer. Any answer to this question that does not have a written explanation of how the answer was produced will receive a 0. Any answer that involves the use of a program will receive a 0.
You must include a bibliography indicating where you obtained your information. Remember that directly copying from a source is considered plagiarism. Cite your sources and put the information you find into your own words.
To submit the assignment you may:
E-mail submissions will not be accepted.