ECT 250: Survey of e-commerce technology
Assignment 2
Read Chapter 2 (pages 34 - 77).
Answer the following questions:
- [30 points] Which of the following business processes are well-suited to
e-commerce? Which are not? You must justify your answer in each case with
a detailed and specific explanation. Your explanation must show
careful reasoning and include discussion of any relevant issues. An answer without
an explanation will not receive credit.
- Sale/purchase of custom-made gold/silver rings
- Sale/purchase of canned or dried food products
- Obtaining/offering personal counseling services
- Learning/teaching resume writing skills
- Learning/teaching C++ programming
- [20 points] Using the downstream speeds given in Figure 2-22 on page 72,
calculate how long it would take to download a 2 MB plain text file using
each of the following connection methods:
- Dial up modem
- Cable modem
Show your work for full credit. Note that a MB is one million bytes
and one byte is 8 bits. Recall that Kbps stands for 1000 bits per
second. You may give your answer in seconds or in minutes.
- [10 points] Name two software packages currently available on the market that use a
graphical user interface (GUI). You may not give the names of any Web
browsers (such as Netscape Navigator/Communicator or Internet Explorer) as your
- [40 points] Write an essay on one person who did pioneering work on the Internet.
The essay must be a minimum of 200 words in length and should include a
brief biography and describe
their contribution. You may not choose any of the people discussed in
the lecture notes for the course (which rules out Vannevar Bush, Ted Nelson,
Douglas Englebart, Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Calliau, Marc Andressen, Vinton
Cerf, and Robert Kahn). Essays will be graded both on content and on technical issues such as
spelling and grammar. You must give your source(s) for full credit. I suggest you visit the Internet
history page found at
to begin this part of the assignment.
Submitting the assignment
To submit the assignment you may:
- Bring the assignment to class.
- Fax the assignment to me at (312) 362-6116. Be sure to either use a
cover sheet with my name on it or write ECT 250 and my name prominently
on the top of the first page. I will not be responsible for lost faxes
if you do not do so.
- Drop off the assignment at 243 S. Wabash, room 401. Make sure that
they time-stamp your assignment.
E-mail submissions will not be accepted.