GAM 372: Object-Oriented Game Development

Instructor Information

Name: André Berthiaume


Preferred Contact:   or class Piazza forum.


Use the following only for chat/text when you need a quick help


Discord:         Andre#5368


Course Description

            Students will learn principles and techniques needed to build robust and efficient large scale game software systems. Principles of object-oriented modeling, design, implementation, and testing of large-scale game systems will be emphasized. Topics include design patterns, application frameworks, architectural design, and the applications in the software development process to improve the extensibility, maintainability, and reliability of software systems. PREREQUISITE(S): CSC 361.


Head First Design Patterns (either 1st or 2nd edition)

Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra, Elisabeth Robson

1st edition  ISBN-10: 0596007124

2nd edition ISBN-13: 978-1492078005


Course Objectives

  1. Student will be understand basics object-oriented design:
  2. Student will be able to write game programs that use these design patterns
  3. Student will be able to plan and structure a large scale project
  4. Student will be make full use of the development environment


             This class will be conducted as a mixture of standard lectures, class discussions and code reviews. The emphasis will be on discussions on the status of individual projects. Students will be encouraged to reflect on the progress of their project and how best to tackle the various problems they encounter with the planning and programming elements. Lectures will be given on relevant topics as they are needed: examples of lecture topics: Planning techniques, OO design, design patterns, debugging strategies, etc.

Lecture topics commonly covered (in no partiicular order, list may change as needed):


The class work will consist weekly progress report and final delivery of a specified 2D game project. The final grade will be computed as follow:

Please note that all submissions are expected to compile and exectue properly. Any submisison that fails to compile or won't execute or crashes repeatedly and/or consistently will be graded as a 0. If this occurs on the final submission, you will receive an F for the class.

Also note that all student works are subject to be showcased, reviewed and/or critiqued in class at any time. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a collegial and professional manner at all times.

 The final score will be converted to letters based on the following schedule: Note: this scale may be adjusted based on overall class performance.

Percentage Grade Letter Grade
= 93 A
>= 90 A-
>= 87 B+
>= 83 B
>= 80 B-
>= 77 C+
>= 73 C
>= 70 C-
>= 67 D+
>= 63 D
>= 60 D-
< 60 F




Incompletes will be granted only in the most extreme circumstances and only if the student has already succesfully completed the vast majority of the course work. Students must formally request an incomplete by filling out an Incomplete Grade Request Form.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

You are expected to have read and understand DePaul’s policy on Academic Integrity.  It is part of this syllabus; follow it.

Changes to Syllabus

This syllabus is subject to change as necessary to better meet the needs of the students.  Significant changes are unlikely, and will be thoroughly addressed with all students.  Minor changes are possible at any time although you will be informed of all such changes.